Download CSS Data Sheet for HDPVC braided hose here
Download Chemical Compatilbility Chart for HD Braided Hose here
Braidflex is constructed from a reinforcing braid of polyester fibre, laminated between two layers of clear P.V.C. producing a strong hose, capable of withstanding high pressures. It is available in two grades – food grade or industrial. Both manufactured to BS6066 1981 tolerances.
Factory airlines, pneumatic equipment, the conveyance of pressurised liquids and gases and the transport of chemicals, gases, dilute acids and alkalies are all ideal uses for Braidflex.
30M, 50m and 100mtr coils
Standard Colours:
Clear, others also available.
Important Note: Please note that the information is to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. We reserve the right to alter the specifications without notice.
Since conditions under which the products may be used are beyond our control: our recommendations are made without warranty or guarantee and we cannot be held responsible for misuse of products or information. However, our experienced technical stall would be happy to advise you on the uses for which our products are suitable.