- Tubing Connectors. (Polypropylene).
- Polypropylene compression fittings offer good chemical resistance and are unaffected by most weak acids and alkalies, at temperatures less than 80◦C they offer good resistance to organic solvents.
- Pressure rating: up to 50psi for standard fittings, 150psi with stainless gripper.
- Other fittings available please contact us if not listed below.
Working Temperature: -34◦C to +100◦C
Pressure Rating: standard fittings 50 psi, with stainless steel gripper 150psi
Applications: Range of fittings suit all types of tubing
Construction: Standard fittings all Polyproylene
Availability: Good stocks held for next day delivery
Advantages: Low cost and offer good resistance to corrosions and chemical
Availability: Ex Stock for majority including fittings not listed in our “core” selection below