Monitoring corrosion rates is critical when viewed in terms of the maintenance and repair costs associated with corrosion and material failure.
Coupons provide an inexpensive means of on-line monitoring that will allow you to effectively measure the corrosivity within your system. Price includes 2 holders. Mild steel racks are painted in blue metallic paint.
Coupons not included
CSS can now offer in PVC a 1″ PVC Coupon rack with quick release Coupons
Key Features:
Construction: PVC or Mild Steel
Economical: inexpensive way of on-line corrosion monitoring
Applications: Cooling Towers
Lead time: 1 -2 weeks
Pressure Rating PVC: 10 bar @ 20 degree C, for temperature range of 0 degree C to 60 degree C.
Pressure Rating Mild Steel: 25 bar @ -20 degree c to 120 degree C. Pressure Rating will drop as temperature increases. 20 bar @ 300 degree C