Corrosion Coupon Racks

Monitoring corrosion rates is critical when viewed in terms of the maintenance and repair costs associated with corrosion and material failure.

Coupons provide an inexpensive means of on-line monitoring that will allow you to effectively measure the corrosivity within your system. Price includes 2 holders. Mild steel racks are painted in blue metallic paint.

Coupons not included

CSS can now offer in PVC a 1″ PVC Coupon rack with quick release Coupons


Key Features:

Construction:  PVC or Mild Steel

Economical:  inexpensive way of on-line  corrosion monitoring

Applications:  Cooling Towers

Lead time: 1 -2 weeks

Pressure Rating PVC: 10 bar @ 20 degree C, for temperature range of 0 degree C to 60 degree C.

Pressure Rating Mild Steel: 25 bar @ -20 degree c to 120 degree C.  Pressure Rating will drop as temperature increases. 20 bar @ 300 degree C



SERP-00PVC Corrosion Coupon Rack£271.00
SERP-00QPVC Corrosion Coupon Rack with Quick Release Coupons£334.00
SERP-01Mild Steel Corrosion Coupon Rack£429.00
SERP/BB-00PVC Corrosion Coupon Rack on PP backboard£341.00
SERP/BB-01Mild Steel Corrosion Coupon Rack on PP Backboard£499.00


Corrosion Rack Fact SheetDownload
1in PVC-U corrosion rack drwgDownload
1in PVC-U corrosion quick releaseDownload
1in mild steel corrosion rack 02-01-24Download